Summer 2013 - Southwest
Take Two

Santa Fe, NM

August 16, 2013

Santa Fe Information

Area Map


Photographs and Commentary
Click on picture to enlarge

Today we went to Taos Pueblo. We had been there twice before. The last time we were there was in 2009 when we got caught in a thunderstorm. The storm produced on of my favorite pictures of the North House as the storm approached the pueblo. Today the weather was perfect and I was happy to show the Pueblo in a better light. Susie, as usual, wanted to see what the potters were doing (aka, shopping for storytellers). She met one who made one of the storytellers in her collection and I got a picture of the two of them. Susie wants to meet as many of the potters whose work she has and have a picture taken with them. She also managed to buy a couple of items from her.

After we left Taos Pueblo we drove a few miles west to the Rio Grand Gorge. While not as impressive as the Grand Canyon, it is still quite something to see. The terrain in the vicinity of Taos is a high, flat plateau. The Rio Grand River cut a gorge six hundred feet deep through that plateau. The Grand Gorge Bridge is a perfect vantage point from which to see the river and gorge and that is where the pictures below were taken.

This commentary is a day late. Susie's cousin Dan had asked us to join him at a birthday party for a friend of his. The party took place at the Rail Yard Park. By the time we got back to the hotel, I was really not in any mood to write so I put it off until today.

I would not suggest parking in the Warchief's spot

San Geronimo Church built in 1850

Old San Geronimo Church built in 1619 and destroyed during the 1680 Pueblo Revolt

Susie and Juanita Martinez

South House

North House

Rio Grand Gorge Bridge

View to the north

View to the south

As Seen on the Road

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